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Pack Countdown to Final Crisis Book One+Two+Three+Four TP USA

Pack Countdown to Final Crisis Book One+Two+Three+Four TP USA

Pack Countdown to Final Crisis Book One+Two+Three+Four TP USA

Pack Countdown to Final Crisis Book One+Two+Three+Four TP USA

Pack Countdown to Final Crisis Book One+Two+Three+Four TP USA

El precio original era: 79.99€.El precio actual es: 75.98€.

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El precio original era: 79.99€.El precio actual es: 75.98€.

Este pack contiene los 4 tomos de la colección en tapa blanda.

Countdown to Final Crisis Volume One TP USA.

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Pack Countdown to Final Crisis Book One+Two+Three+Four TP USA

Este pack contiene los 4 tomos de la colección en tapa blanda.

Countdown to Final Crisis Volume One TP USA.

Volume 1 – 1st printing. Collects Countdown to Final Crisis (2007-2008) #51-39.

Written by Paul Dini, Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, Adam Beechen, Tony Bedard, and Sean McKeever. Breakdowns by Keith Giffen. Art by Jesus Saiz, Jim Calafiore, and Carlos Magno, David Lopez, Tom Derenick, Dennis Calero, and Manuel Garcia. Cover by Andy Kubert.

The first of a series of four volumes, that collects the incredible tale starring Jimmy Olsen, Mary Marvel, Donna Troy and all the major characters of the DC Universe!

COUNTDOWN follows up the events of bestsellers INFINITE CRISIS and 52 and leads into DC’s next major event, FINAL CRISIS. When a surprising character dies in chapter one, it sets off an unexpected ripple that will touch virtually every character in the DC Universe and change the status quo forever.

Softcover, 296 pages, full color.

Countdown to Final Crisis Volume Two TP USA.

Volume 2 – 1st printing. Collects Countdown to Final Crisis (2007-2008) #38-26.

Written by Paul Dini, Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray, Adam Beechen, Tony Bedard and Sean McKeever. Art by Keith Giffen and Alejandro Barrionuevo. Cover by Ed Benes.

The second of four volumes collecting DC’s explosive weekly series! In this volume Karate Kid ventures to Oracle for answers, Jimmy Olsen attempts to join two exclusive clubs, and more!

Softcover, 296 pages, full color.

Countdown to Final Crisis Volume Three TP USA.

Volume 3 – 1st printing. Collects Countdown to Final Crisis (2007-2008) #25-13.

Written by Paul Dini, Adam Beechen, Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti, Tony Bedard and Sean McKeever. Art by Scott Kolins, Tom Derenick, Jamal Igle, Howard Porter, and Jesus Saiz. Cover by Stefane Roux.

Jimmy Olsen’s unpredictable super-powers bring him to the attention of Darkseid!

Softcover, 296 pages, full color.

Countdown to Final Crisis Volume Four TP USA.

Volume 4 – 1st printing. Collects Countdown to Final Crisis (2007-2008) #12-1.

Written by Paul Dini, Keith Giffen, Adam Beechen, Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti and Sean McKeever. Art by Ron Lim, Carlos Magno, Al Barrionuevo, Jesus Saiz, and Scott Kolins. Cover by Adam Kubert.

The fourth and final COUNTDOWN TO FINAL CRISIS TP is here! Featuring an all-new cover by Adam Kubert! Don’t miss this epic’s conclusion, starring Jimmy Olsen, Mary Marvel and The Challengers from Beyond.

Softcover, 272 pages, full color.


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