Comic Original USA
DC Finest Events Zero Hour Crisis In Time Part 1 TP
From comics legends Dan Jurgens and Jerry Ordway comes Zero Hour: Crisis in Time.
This first of two collections features Superman #93, The Flash #94, L.E.G.I.O.N. #70, Green Lantern #55,…
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Comic Original USA
Batman: The Dark Knight Detective Volume 7 TP
Batman’s iconic adventures from the 1990s continue in this volume that follows the Dark Knight as he tracks down a deadly assassin, encounters a foe who can alter reality,…
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El regreso de Superman: Especial 30 Aniversario
Edición original: The Return of Superman 30th Anniversary Special USA
¡Rememora el reinado de los Cuatro Superhombres! Hace tres décadas, el mundo lloraba a Superman, y Perry White no era…
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Kaos y Lobezno: Fusión
Contiene: Contiene Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown #1-4 USA
Dos amigos. Dos mutantes. ¡Dos miembros de La Patrulla-X! Kaos posee la habilidad de disparar devastadoras descargas de plasma. Lobezno es un…
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La Imposible Patrulla X 11 Proyecto X-Terminio
Contiene: The Uncanny X-Men 268-277, Annual 14, The New Mutants 95-97 y X-Factor 60-62 y material de Fantastic Four Annual 23, The New Mutants Annual 6, X-Factor Annual 5…
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Comic Original USA
Cable Vol 3 #150 Cover G DF Gold Signature Series Signed By Louise Simonson
THE NEWER MUTANTS Part 1! The time-traveling mutant known as Cable has made it his one-man mission to preserve all of time itself. But when a disturbance in the…
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Caída de X 05
Contiene: Uncanny Spider-Man 4 y 5, X-Men Blue Origins, Realm of X 4, Alpha Flight 5 y Astonishing Iceman 5.
En las garras de El Buitre. El origen de Rondador…
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Caída de X 04
Contiene: Realm of X 3, Uncanny Spider-Man 3, Alpha Flight 4, Astonishing Iceman 4, Jean Grey 4 y Children of the Vault 4
Los Vanir y sus protectores mutantes se…
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Un mundo sin Superman (Grandes Novelas Gráficas de DC)
Edición original: Adventures of Superman núms. 498 a 500, Action Comics núms. 685 y 686 USA, Superman: The Man of Steel núms. 20 y 21 USA, Superman núms. 76…
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La muerte de Superman: Especial 30 aniversario
Edición original: The life of Superman, Above and Beyond, Standing Guard, Time USA
¡Fue la peor tragedia de la historia!
Hace tres décadas que Juicio Final mató a Superman. Por suerte,…
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Caída de X 03
Contiene: Realm of X 2, Uncanny Spider-Man 2, Astonishing Iceman 3, Children of the Vault 3, Alpha Flight 3 y Jean Grey 3.
Con sus poderes fallando, Magik hace un…
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Caída de X 02
Contiene: Uncanny Spider-Man 1, Astonishing Iceman 2, Children of the Vault 2, Alpha Flight 2 y Jean Grey 2.
En los días más oscuros, él es la chispa en la…
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Caída de X 01
Contiene: Astonishing Ice Man 1, Children of the Vault 1, Alpha Flight 1, Jean Grey 1 y Realm of X 1.
¡Las miniseries de “Caída de X” en un único…
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Comic Original USA
The Return Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot) Cover A Regular Dan Jurgens Wraparound Cover
After the tragic events of more than 30 years ago, when Superman met his end at the hands of Doomsday, Metropolis mourned the loss of their greatest hero and…
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Comic Original USA
The Return Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot) Cover C Variant Dave Wilkins Steel Die-Cut Cover
After the tragic events of more than 30 years ago, when Superman met his end at the hands of Doomsday, Metropolis mourned the loss of their greatest hero and…
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Comic Original USA
The Return Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot) Cover B Variant John Giang Cyborg Superman Die-Cut Cover
After the tragic events of more than 30 years ago, when Superman met his end at the hands of Doomsday, Metropolis mourned the loss of their greatest hero and…
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Comic Original USA
The Return Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot) Cover D Variant Francis Manapul Superboy Die-Cut Cover
After the tragic events of more than 30 years ago, when Superman met his end at the hands of Doomsday, Metropolis mourned the loss of their greatest hero and…
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Comic Original USA
The Return Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot) Cover E Variant Ben Oliver The Eradicator Die-Cut Cover
After the tragic events of more than 30 years ago, when Superman met his end at the hands of Doomsday, Metropolis mourned the loss of their greatest hero and…
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Comic Original USA
The Return Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot) Cover F Variant Dan Jurgens Wraparound Foil Cover
After the tragic events of more than 30 years ago, when Superman met his end at the hands of Doomsday, Metropolis mourned the loss of their greatest hero and…
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Comic Original USA
The Return Of Superman 30th Anniversary Special #1 (One Shot) Cover G Incentive Brad Walker Variant Cover
After the tragic events of more than 30 years ago, when Superman met his end at the hands of Doomsday, Metropolis mourned the loss of their greatest hero and…
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