Comic Original USA
W0rldtr33 #13 Cover A Regular Fernando Blanco Cover
Ellison continues to piece together the sad, strange story of the girl who would become PH34R, hoping to discover the key to defeating the Undernet. But each new revelation…
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Comic Original USA
W0rldtr33 #13 Cover B Variant Michael Avon Oeming Cover
Ellison continues to piece together the sad, strange story of the girl who would become PH34R, hoping to discover the key to defeating the Undernet. But each new revelation…
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Comic Original USA
W0rldtr33 #12 Cover A Regular Fernando Blanco Cover
New Story Arc. Before she was the Undernet’s remorseless assassin, PH34R was a little girl named Sammi, who just wanted to know what her big brother and his hacker…
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Comic Original USA
W0rldtr33 #12 Cover B Variant Sweeney Boo Cover
New Story Arc. Before she was the Undernet’s remorseless assassin, PH34R was a little girl named Sammi, who just wanted to know what her big brother and his hacker…
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w0rldtr33 05
Edición original: w0rldtr33 núm. 5 USA
¡La conclusión del primer arco argumental de la serie de terror y ciencia ficción de James Tynion IV y Fernando Blanco! Gabriel toma una…
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w0rldtr33 04
Edición original: w0rldtr33 núm. 4 USA
Fernando Blanco y James Tynion IV revolucionan y actualizan el terror con esta espeluznante historia. James Ellison sigue hundiéndose en los horrores de la…
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Comic Original USA
W0rldtr33 #11 Cover A Regular Fernando Blanco Cover signed by Fernando Blanco
Agent Silk’s determination brought her face-to-face with PH34R in a confrontation that may cost Silk her sanity-if not her life. But PH34R isn’t acting alone. As…
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Comic Original USA
W0rldtr33 #11 Cover B Variant Mattia De Iulis Cover
Agent Silk’s determination brought her face-to-face with PH34R in a confrontation that may cost Silk her sanity-if not her life. But PH34R isn’t acting alone. As…
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w0rldtr33 03
Edición original: w0rldtr33 núm. 3 USA
¡Las estrellas James Tynion IV y Fernando Blanco siguen dando forma a esta espeluznante historia de terror! ¿Qué le ocurrió al hermano pequeño de…
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Comic Original USA
W0rldtr33 #10 Cover A Regular Fernando Blanco Cover signed by Fernando Blanco
Ellison Lane had never heard of Gabriel Winter before a seemingly chance encounter at a police station. But it’s becoming increasingly clear Gabriel Winter never left anything to chance-and…
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Comic Original USA
W0rldtr33 #10 Cover B Variant Vincenzo Riccardi Cover
Ellison Lane had never heard of Gabriel Winter before a seemingly chance encounter at a police station. But it’s becoming increasingly clear Gabriel Winter never left anything to chance-and…
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Comic Original USA
W0rldtr33 #10 Cover C Incentive Letizia Cadonici Variant Cover signed by Fernando Blanco
Ellison Lane had never heard of Gabriel Winter before a seemingly chance encounter at a police station. But it’s becoming increasingly clear Gabriel Winter never left anything to chance-and…
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w0rldtr33 02
Edición original: w0rldtr33 núm. 2 USA.
Continúa el cómic de terror más esperado de 2024, fruto de la colaboración de las estrellas James Tynion IV y Fernando Blanco. ¿Qué pasa…
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Comic Original USA
W0rldtr33 #9 Cover A Regular Fernando Blanco Cover signed by Fernando Blanco
Siobhan Silk joined the FBI to help make sense of the world. Then it all fell apart. Her partner is dead, her boss is focused on the wrong pieces…
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Comic Original USA
W0rldtr33 #9 Cover B Variant Tyler Boss Cover signed by Fernando Blanco
Siobhan Silk joined the FBI to help make sense of the world. Then it all fell apart. Her partner is dead, her boss is focused on the wrong pieces…
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w0rldtr33 01
Edición original: w0rldtr33 núm. 1 USA
El cómic de terror más esperado de 2024, fruto de la colaboración de las estrellas James Tynion IV y Fernando Blanco. En 1999, Gabriel…
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w0rldtr33 Volumen 1 Terminal – Edición Especial
Edición especial limitada (1500 unidades) con portada lenticular.
En 1999, Gabriel y sus amigos descubrieron la Undernet, una arquitectura secreta de internet. Dejaron constancia de sus exploraciones en un foro…
2 disponibles
Comic Original USA
W0rldtr33 #8 Cover A Regular Fernando Blanco Cover
Gabriel Winter always had one eye on the future. So how long did he know that the end of the internet was inevitable… or that the Lane family would…
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Comic Original USA
W0rldtr33 #8 Cover B Variant Tom Muller Cover
Gabriel Winter always had one eye on the future. So how long did he know that the end of the internet was inevitable… or that the Lane family would…
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Comic Original USA
W0rldtr33 #7 Cover A Regular Fernando Blanco Cover
Gabriel Winter kept secrets his entire life. Now that he’s gone, the original members of W0RLDTR33 are left with his last will and testament… and a race against the…
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