Comics, Semana del 17 al 23 de febrero
Marvel Must Have: Los Nuevos Vengadores 16 Osborn
Contiene: The New Avengers v2, 16.1 y 17-23
¡Con el regreso de Norman Osborn! Desde el final de su reinado, el que fuera hombre fuerte de Estados Unidos ha conseguido…
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Marvel Must Have: Los Nuevos Vengadores 15 Miedo Encarnado
Contiene: The New Avengers 9-16.
Cruce con “Miedo encarnado”. Los Nuevos Vengadores se unen a la gran batalla que tiene lugar en las calles de Nueva York. Ellos tienen que…
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Marvel Must Have: Vengadores Secretos 02 Los Ojos del Dragón
Contiene: Secret Avengers 6-12
Steve Rogers, el que fuera Capitán América, y su escuadrón de Vengadores Secretos debe salvar a Shang-Chi y proteger los Ojos del Dragón. En el camino,…
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Comic Original USA
Flash Vol 6 #6 Cover A Regular Mike Deodato Jr & Trish Mulvihill Cover
After the shocking ending of last issue, Wally West’s world has been completely upended–and as he quite literally is putting the pieces together, The Stillness’s attempts to reach out…
1 in stock
Comic Original USA
Flash Vol 6 #6 Cover B Variant Mike Deodato Jr Card Stock Cover
After the shocking ending of last issue, Wally West’s world has been completely upended–and as he quite literally is putting the pieces together, The Stillness’s attempts to reach out…
1 in stock
Comic Original USA
Flash Vol 6 #6 Cover C Variant James Stokoe Card Stock Cover
After the shocking ending of last issue, Wally West’s world has been completely upended–and as he quite literally is putting the pieces together, The Stillness’s attempts to reach out…
1 in stock
Comic Original USA
Flash Vol 6 #6 Cover D Variant Matt Taylor Card Stock Cover
After the shocking ending of last issue, Wally West’s world has been completely upended–and as he quite literally is putting the pieces together, The Stillness’s attempts to reach out…
1 in stock
Marvel Premiere Salvajes Vengadores 01 La ciudad de las hoces
Contiene: Free Comic Book Day: Avengers 2019 y Savage Avengers 1-5
¡La reunión del más bestial grupo de antihéroes del Universo Marvel! ¡Lobezno, Veneno, Elektra, El Castigador, El Doctor Vudú…
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Comic Original USA
Flash Vol 6 #5 Cover A Regular Mike Deodato Jr Cover
As Wally West’s powers continue to evolve beyond his understanding, another confrontation with the Stillness makes the group wonder if they are here to protect Earth with the Flash,…
1 in stock
Comic Original USA
Flash Vol 6 #5 Cover B Variant Mike Deodato Jr Card Stock Cover
As Wally West’s powers continue to evolve beyond his understanding, another confrontation with the Stillness makes the group wonder if they are here to protect Earth with the Flash,…
1 in stock
Comic Original USA
Flash Vol 6 #5 Cover C Variant James Stokoe Card Stock Cover
As Wally West’s powers continue to evolve beyond his understanding, another confrontation with the Stillness makes the group wonder if they are here to protect Earth with the Flash,…
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Comic Original USA
Dark Avengers #2 Cover B Incentive Mike Choi Variant Cover Signed by Mike Choi
«The Dark Avengers have made themselves known to the world and as the world takes them in, Morgana le Fey comes looking for blood!! Once you learn who the…
1 in stock
Comic Original USA
Flash Vol 6 #4 Cover A Regular Mike Deodato Jr Cover
As the Flash continues to explore the Gallery, he meets a living entity called the Resident that he feels drawn to. Can she aid him in his battle against…
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Comic Original USA
Flash Vol 6 #4 Cover C Variant Frany Card Stock Cover
As the Flash continues to explore the Gallery, he meets a living entity called the Resident that he feels drawn to. Can she aid him in his battle against…
1 in stock
Comic Original USA
Flash Vol 6 #4 Cover B Variant Mike Deodato Jr Card Stock Cover
As the Flash continues to explore the Gallery, he meets a living entity called the Resident that he feels drawn to. Can she aid him in his battle against…
1 in stock
Comic Original USA
Flash Vol 6 #4 Cover D Variant Stephen Segovia Santa Card Stock Cover
As the Flash continues to explore the Gallery, he meets a living entity called the Resident that he feels drawn to. Can she aid him in his battle against…
1 in stock
Marvel Must Have: Vengadores Secretos 01 Misión a Marte
Contiene: Secret Avengers 1-5.
¡“La Edad Heroica” está aquí! ¿Quiénes son los Vengadores Secretos? ¿Son un equipo encubierto operando en los más oscuros rincones del mundo para detener un desastre?…
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Comic Original USA
Flash Vol 6 #3 Cover A Regular Mike Deodato Jr Cover
After the arrival of the Stillness last issue, the alien speedsters begin traveling around the world, with Max Mercury watching their every move.
Meanwhile, Wally encounters another former foe who’s…
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Comic Original USA
Flash Vol 6 #3 Cover B Variant Mike Deodato Jr Card Stock Cover
After the arrival of the Stillness last issue, the alien speedsters begin traveling around the world, with Max Mercury watching their every move.
Meanwhile, Wally encounters another former foe who’s…
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Comic Original USA
Flash Vol 6 #3 Cover C Variant Ramon Perez Card Stock Cover
After the arrival of the Stillness last issue, the alien speedsters begin traveling around the world, with Max Mercury watching their every move.
Meanwhile, Wally encounters another former foe who’s…
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