Coleccionable Joker: Biografía no autorizada vol. 10 de 10: Tres Jokers
Edición original: Batman: Three Jokers núms. 1-3 USA
No sabe por qué ni desde cuándo está pasando esto, pero Batman ha descubierto un dato espantoso: no hay un Joker sino…
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Comic Original USA
Rook Exodus #6 Cover A Regular Jason Fabok & Brad Anderson Cover
End of Story Arc. The epic conclusion of this first chapter! It’s Rook versus Ursaw in a winner-takes-all gambit, as the fate of the planet Exodus-and all who inhabit…
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Comic Original USA
Rook Exodus #6 Cover B Variant Jason Fabok & Brad Anderson Dire Wolf Cover
End of Story Arc. The epic conclusion of this first chapter! It’s Rook versus Ursaw in a winner-takes-all gambit, as the fate of the planet Exodus-and all who inhabit…
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Comic Original USA
Rook Exodus #6 Cover C Variant V Ken Marion & Steve Oliff Connecting Cover
End of Story Arc. The epic conclusion of this first chapter! It’s Rook versus Ursaw in a winner-takes-all gambit, as the fate of the planet Exodus-and all who inhabit…
1 in stock
Comic Original USA
Batman Day 2024 Batman Day 2024 Joker The World Special Edition #1 Cover A Regular Jason Fabok Cover
Gotham’s Clown Prince of Crime goes global in this worldwide anthology, Joker: The World. This BATMAN DAY special edition features select stories from the upcoming OGN! The OGN will…
49 in stock
Joker: El Mundo
Edición original: Joker: The World USA
¡Incluye una historia escrita y dibujada por David Rubín en la que el Joker visita Madrid! La portada de la edición de ECC también…
3 in stock
Comic Original USA
Rook Exodus #5 Cover A Regular Jason Fabok & Brad Anderson Cover
Ursaw: Ruler of Exodus! Rook: Food for vultures? Left for dead after last issue’s slobber knocker, Rook faces his greatest fears as the animal world completely turns against him!…
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Comic Original USA
Rook Exodus #5 Cover B Variant Jason Fabok & Brad Anderson Swine Cover
Ursaw: Ruler of Exodus! Rook: Food for vultures? Left for dead after last issue’s slobber knocker, Rook faces his greatest fears as the animal world completely turns against him!…
1 in stock
Comic Original USA
Rook Exodus #4 Cover A Regular Jason Fabok & Brad Anderson Cover
It’s all-out war on the planet Exodus! The bear warden Ursaw wants complete control over the world, and he’ll destroy anyone and anything in his path. Rook, Dire Wolf,…
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Comic Original USA
Rook Exodus #4 Cover B Variant Jason Fabok & Brad Anderson Ursaw Cover
It’s all-out war on the planet Exodus! The bear warden Ursaw wants complete control over the world, and he’ll destroy anyone and anything in his path. Rook, Dire Wolf,…
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Comic Original USA
Rook Exodus #3 Cover A Regular Jason Fabok & Brad Anderson Cover
As Rook and Dire Wolf are hunted by the bear warden Ursaw, they need allies to fight back. Dire Wolf takes them to a secret sanctuary called the Oasis,…
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Comic Original USA
Rook Exodus #3 Cover B Variant Jason Fabok & Brad Anderson Headshot Cover
As Rook and Dire Wolf are hunted by the bear warden Ursaw, they need allies to fight back. Dire Wolf takes them to a secret sanctuary called the Oasis,…
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Comic Original USA
Rook Exodus #2 Cover A Regular Jason Fabok & Brad Anderson Cover
In the far future, the man known only as Rook wants out. He reckons anywhere is better than the crumbling planet Exodus, where all of nature-especially its imported animal…
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Comic Original USA
Rook Exodus #2 Cover B Variant Jason Fabok & Brad Anderson Cover
In the far future, the man known only as Rook wants out. He reckons anywhere is better than the crumbling planet Exodus, where all of nature-especially its imported animal…
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Batman: El Caballero Oscuro: Amanecer Dorado (DC Pocket)
Edición original: Batman: The Dark Knight núms. 1-5 USA.
Dawn Golden, una vieja amiga de Bruce Wayne, ha desaparecido. La rica heredera se convierte en objeto de una búsqueda desesperada…
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Liga de la Justicia: La Guerra de Darkseid (Grandes Novelas Gráficas de DC)
Contenido: Justice League núms. 40-50, DC Sneak Peek: Justice League núm. 1, Justice League: Darkseid War Special núm. 1, Justice League: Darkseid War: Batman núm. 1, Justice League: Darkseid…
1 in stock
Batman: El Tribunal de los Búhos – La saga completa vol. 1 de 2
Edición original: Batman núms. 0-33, Batman Annual núms. 1-2 USA.
El peligro de lo desconocido.
Hace mucho tiempo que el Tribunal de los Búhos maneja los hilos de Gotham City desde…
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Comic Original USA
Rook Exodus #1 Cover A Regular Jason Fabok Wraparound Cover
GEOFF JOHNS and JASON FABOK, the celebrated team behind the smash hit Batman: Three Jokers, reunite for an all-new science fiction series! Hundreds of years from now, the…Sin existencias, consulta disponibilidad
Batman: Tres Jokers (DC Pocket)
Edición original: Batman: Three Jokers núms. 1-3 USA
El criminal. El payaso. El cómico. Hace muchos años que el Joker se convirtió en la némesis de Batman por méritos propios….
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Comic Original USA
Ghost Machine #1 (One Shot) Cover A Regular Gary Frank Group Cover Signed by Lamont Magee & Brad Anderson & Maytal Zchut & Rob Leigh
A Groundbreaking New Era for Comics, Characters, and Creators Begins Here!
From the powerhouse creative collective that is Ghost Machine comes an extra-sized 48-page special introducing its all-new shared universes…
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