Comic Original USA
X-Men Xavier’s Secret #1 (One Shot) Cover A Regular Martin Coccolo Cover
In the wake of the fall of Krakoa, the X-Men are forever changed. As Jean Grey prepares to take her place among the stars, she and Cyclops share a…
1 in stock
Comic Original USA
X-Men Xavier’s Secret #1 (One Shot) Cover B Variant Justin Mason Cover
In the wake of the fall of Krakoa, the X-Men are forever changed. As Jean Grey prepares to take her place among the stars, she and Cyclops share a…
1 in stock
Marvel Premiere Asombroso Spiderman 18 Guerra Siniestra – Segunda parte
Contiene: Sinister War 3 y 4 y The Amazing Spider-Man 72-74.
¡El fin de una era! Nick Spencer se despide del trepamuros, después de una larga etapa de más de…
13 in stock /
Caída de X 05
Contiene: Uncanny Spider-Man 4 y 5, X-Men Blue Origins, Realm of X 4, Alpha Flight 5 y Astonishing Iceman 5.
En las garras de El Buitre. El origen de Rondador…
1 in stock /
Caída de X 04
Contiene: Realm of X 3, Uncanny Spider-Man 3, Alpha Flight 4, Astonishing Iceman 4, Jean Grey 4 y Children of the Vault 4
Los Vanir y sus protectores mutantes se…
1 in stock /
Comic Original USA
Green Lantern New Guardians Futures End #1 Cover A 3D Motion Cover
9.50€Sin existencias, consulta disponibilidad
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